Aron Yu


Deputy Chief of Staff
Office of the President

SDC is an astonishing organization that provides youth with an opportunity to make changes in their communities. Aron is a grade 10 student continuing his education at École Salish Secondary. Aron is the Deputy Chief of Staff in the Office of the President for his third year at SDC. Aron loves working with others and showing his passion for the organization.

Aron loves many things in life, ranging from mini videos that he creates for fun, to being on the court and spiking a ball as hard as he can while he is playing volleyball. Aron also loves his fair share of manga reading and video game playing. Aron unfortunately has no clue how to snowboard or ski, but he is always open to learning anything new that he can add to his arsenal of random skills. Aron is excited to work with SDC once more and to support an amazing group of youth that can achieve in.